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Doctor Who: Who & Company

This is the Doctor Who podcast where good company gathers to discuss Doctor Who and a company of other British Sci-Fi related shows.  Join Brent and Drew each month for a new batch of guests and topics!

Aug 31, 2023

LIVE from Long Island Who 60 on August 19, 2023!  We had the pleasure of entertaining a fantastic live audience by interviewing none other than actor/author Michael Troughton!  We discussed his career so far, visiting the Doctor Who set 3 times as a child, his time as a physics teacher, and yes, even some animal...

Aug 4, 2023

Welcome back!  This month's guest is an award-winning writer, producer, director, actress...she's pretty much done it all.  She's Abie Ekenezar and she's here to discuss her favorite show, Doctor Who!  We find out how she got into film, what Jason Mamoa may agree to when he's been drinking, and why not all elves are...